


  • Traditional Program:

    Using the Traditional Fundraising Program, the youth group and their families take orders from local friends and family members and then deliver the products to their customers.

  • Online Program at www.GiftItForward.com:

    With this Online Fundraising Program,  members and their parents can outreach nationally to their friends and relatives. These products are shipped directly to the gift recipients from Mickman Brothers.

Youth Group Fundraiser

We specialize in Youth Group fundraisers. So many communities could use a helping hand for things such as food, clothing, toys, etc. Many families are in need. A fundraiser will help your youth group raise funds to stock pantry shelves, fill clothing closets, provide toys during the holiday season and so much more.


In many areas, homeless animals are in need and your youth group can make a big difference. Youth Group fundraiser funds can be used to help homeless animals be fed, medical care, and so much more. Funds can also be used to help local animal rescues to continue their life-saving work.


Does the company whose product you are selling offer any helpful items or sales aids? These can be a great way to sell the items because sales aids are usually professional and offer a great way to showcase the items you are selling. Professional photos work so well when it comes to selling! Mickman Brothers offers free sales aids as well as online tools to assist the fundraising leader for your youth group.


It may seem like such a silly thing but packaging can sell a product again next year for your youth group. You don’t want the packaging or how the items arrive to be hard for either your youth group or your customers. Our innovative carton makes sure wreaths are never crushed or damaged.


Many times the children in these youth groups could use a few events or outings to really get them excited about their group or their cause. These events or outings can be very costly but by fundraising, your group does not need to bear the cost of such things.


Many times youth groups will take trips be it to a church function, a gathering of other youth groups or even just a vacation that many children would not have had, if it wasn’t for the youth group. These are all experiences we want our children to have, but trips are expensive and something many families are not able to afford.


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See what customers say about our Products.

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Last October our Homer High School Mariner Co-Op Hockey team hit the ground running. Our hockey season is short, yet aggressive. We pack as many games as we can for the 4 months we get. Our biggest and best fundraiser has always been the beautiful Mickman wreaths and sprays. Some people will get pretty upset in our communit…

– Christie Hill, Fundraising Chair: Mariner Co-op Hockey Team Homer, AL

Boy Scout Troop 70 is based in Lewisburg, West Virginia, and incorporates international travel as an important part of its activity program. This helps keep the older Scouts active in the Troop and provides them with the opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures, develop self-confidence, and better understand …

– Cliff Baker, Scoutmaster: Troop 70

Our troop has been raising money for a large trip. This fundraiser is great because people like to buy something they can use. This was our second year and the girls found they had easy sales from repeat customers then could work to get new customers. We had less girls in the troop selling but still raised the same as last …

– Heatherlyn, Troop 7176

Mickman Brothers helped our Scout Pack enjoy a 4 day 3 night camp trip to Cub World this year. I would also like to report that with the help of Mickman Brothers Fundraiser we were able to send 24 boys to camp this summer.

We have never tried to sell anything other than popcorn in the past to help support the pack and wo…

– Tiffany S., Cub Scout Pack 186