

Christmas Wreath Holiday Fundraisers for Schools, Student Groups, Foundations and PTA/PTO's

Looking for an easy, convenient, and profitable fundraiser for your school organization? Hundreds of schools across the nation use Mickman’s “Guaranteed to Succeed Fundraiser” every year. Our proven program is known for being simple and successful, making it the perfect way to achieve the needs of your school group.

With Mickman Brothers, you get the power of two programs:

  • Traditional Program:

    Using the Traditional Fundraising Program, the school members and their families take orders from local friends and family members and then deliver the products to their customers.

  • Online Program at www.GiftItForward.com:

    With this Online Fundraising Program, students and their parents can outreach nationally to their friends and relatives. These products are shipped directly to the gift recipients from Mickman Brothers.

Choose one or choose both! Whatever you choose as the best option for your school group and community, you can rest assured knowing Mickman Brothers team of professionals will provide support and guidance at every step.

School Fundraiser

Tips & Ideas for a successful boy scouts Christmas Wreath Fundraiser

Assemble a Fundraising Team

Form a Fundraising Committee of motivated parents to work with you to drive the success of your fundraiser. ‘Many hands make light work’ – and with 3-4 other volunteer leaders, it’ll be easier to connect with your student families.

Establish a Fundraising Goal

How much money does your school need to earn? After you make this determination, consider setting small goals for each meeting and rewarding the efforts of these students with a small prize. We find many youth groups like to do something inexpensive such as a candy bar.

A Helping Hand

Mickman Brothers’ professional Fundraising Coaches are here to help you through the fundraising process from start to finish! Your dedicated Fundraising Coach will be part of your fundraising team and available throughout the fundraising season to assist your students every step of the way.

Fundraising Tools

FREE sales brochures and social media tools are available to assist you and your students to maximize their efforts. Our full-color and high-quality sales brochures are excellent tools and we have a range of brochures available tailored to your fundraising needs. Our social media tools have been developed for easy use and are effective in promoting sales via our Online Fundraiser at www.GiftItForward.com.

No Risk

Payments to Mickman Brothers are not due until after your students' fundraiser is complete. Earnings from your Online Fundraiser are processed after your fundraiser.

Reforestation Efforts

Our Million Tree Planting Project, initiated in 2007, has resulted in the planting of over 800,000 evergreen tree seedlings in 49 States. When you choose Mickman Brothers for your Christmas Wreath Fundraiser, your students will also be assisting us as we strive to achieve our Million Tree Planting Program goal.

Proven Success

Mickman Brothers has been working with schools on their Christmas Wreath Fundraisers nationwide for generations. Each year our returning schools look forward to the experience of our fundraiser and the opportunity to reach their goals to fund some of their expenses. Likewise, local communities look forward to supporting these schools each year.

Are you ready? Begin by filling out the Get Started form. We will then send all the information necessary for you to choose to work with Mickman Brothers this Fall on your guaranteed to succeed Christmas Wreath Fundraiser.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you and your students reach your goals.


Benefits of Mickman Brothers Fundraisers for Schools & School Groups

Promote your Christmas Wreath Fundraiser Electronically 
Most schools communicate with the families of their students electronically via emails, Facebook and other social media platforms. GiftltForward is the perfect tool to use to raise funds with very little effort.

Using your schools unique Fundraising Code (same as your Customer ID), the electronic messages you send will encourage the families of your students to purchase Holiday Evergreens for themselves AND for use as Christmas Gifts to their local and out of town friends and family members. 

For a school with 500 students/families, if each family purchases even one product for themselves, your school will earn 500 x  $8.00 profit for each item - or $3,000. Imagine the profits if you sell 1,500+ items via GiftItForward this fall. Your profits earned with little effort will be $12,000 or more!

All your school needs to do is to electronically encourage the families of your students to support your school's fundraiser to purchase evergreens to decorate their homes for The Holiday.

Sales Tools 
Mickman Brothers has many 'out of the box' email and Facebook examples that you may use to promote your Fundraiser. Your personal Fundraising Coach will work with you to use professionally developed messages you can push out multiple times from early fall through early December -just when everyone is looking for the perfect Holiday Gift to complete their Christmas Shopping List for The Holidays! 

We supply Posters for you to post in your school. These Posters will be seen by all your families when they visit the school for events and student conferences. Each Poster displays a QR Code which will bring them directly to GiftltForward so they can begin ordering! 

Using our Traditional Fundraiser 
With the Traditional Fundraiser, you establish your own profits for each item; we suggest from $6 - $10 profit each. Typically, the costs for the Holiday Evergreens using the Traditional Program are less because of the efficiencies of 'bulk' shipping vs. individually shipping products using our Online Fundraiser. 

Most of our school customers sell hundreds, if not thousands of products using our Traditional Program. Ask your Fundraising Coach for the multiple ways your school can promote sales this Fall utilizing this Program. 


High School Band Fundraising Success Story

“I have worked as a Co-Chair of the Mickman Wreath Fundraiser for the last 3 years. It’s one of the biggest opportunities for the students involved in the Dunmore High School Marching Band to add money to their student accounts, which allow them to use money towards necessary clothing like band T-shirts and gloves, and even things like trip payments.

This year, 70 of our band students were able to have a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to Nashville, TN and play in front of the Country Music Hall of Fame. In addition to their concert, they were able to tour the Ryman Auditorium, the Hermitage House, take a riverboat cruise, and have a fun day at Dollywood. Through fundraising, selling Mickman holiday wreaths, students were able to make a total profit of just over $1,000.

Our community has been generous to support our students by purchasing wreaths. We use social media to pump up the upcoming holiday season and frequent posting of the opportunity to purchase through any of the band students. We have many repeat customers that feel this is one thing checked off their holiday to-do list. They know the DHS Music Boosters will deliver their beautiful holiday wreath.

DHS Marching Band will be attending a Broadway play in New York City in the Spring of 2018 and another trip to march down Main St USA in Disney in the Spring of 2019!”




See what other satisfied, successful customers are saying about the Mickman fundraiser on our testimonials page.

Ready to get your student group, high school band or choir, or other school group started on their holiday fundraiser? Contact us today to learn more!

Get Started!

Fill out this form to receive your FREE information packet.



Our "Guaranteed to Succeed" Fundraiser

Hundreds of Volunteer Groups nationwide use our 'Guaranteed to Succeed Fundraiser' each year to finance the activities of their group. Boy Scout troops, Cub Scout packs, Girl Scout troops, Church youth groups, high school marching bands, school organizations, sports teams, etc., are all able to 'maximize their profit while minimizing their effort!'.



See what customers say about our Products.

more testimonials

Boy Scout Troop 70 is based in Lewisburg, West Virginia, and incorporates international travel as an important part of its activity program. This helps keep the older Scouts active in the Troop and provides them with the opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures, develop self-confidence, and better understand …

– Cliff Baker, Scoutmaster: Troop 70

SUMMER FUN in San Diego and CHRISTMAS WREATHS wouldn’t normally be found in the same paragraph, but our experience fundraising with Mickman’s Wreaths has made it happen.

This was our FIRST YEAR selling Christmas wreaths for our boy scout troop in Arizona. We wanted to pick a reputable company that would maximize money co…

– Laurie L., AZ Grand Canyon Council Boy Scout Troop 88

Thanks so much to Mickman Brothers Wreaths for providing such an amazing fundraiser opportunity to our High School dance team. We have had so many compliments on the beautiful wreaths and we have raised funds needed to attend nationals in California this year.

– Marie Goff., Columbia High Wild Pride Dance Team, Nampa, ID

A merry Christmas to you all too. It was a pleasure to work with your company in our fundraising efforts. I was very pleased with everything from the informational packets to the end. Never has it been so easy!!! Thank you again.
Thanks again for everything!”

– Dixie M., Dance Team, Eau Claire, WI