Ode to Jim
August 25, 2022
An Ode to Jim
The Lover of Life
‘Do you know Dr. James Mickman?’
the people would ask.
‘Oh, you mean my brother Jimmy’,
In whose glow I would proudly bask.
Jim was so much to so many.
A Nurturing Friend – even as a boy.
Gently learning how to know
and nurture friendships that
would last a lifetime, and always grow.
The Reader – a voracious student.
Of history, of biographies, and of literature.
Jim learned much and shared his knowledge,
all of which we were so sure.
The Adventurer – traveling the world over.
Riding his thumb, a train or a bike.
Amassing stories to tell his vast wealth
Of friends. Of family. Much to our delight!
An Avid Sailor – a lover of the sea.
A more spirited sailor there shall never be.
Brother Jim was my lifelong sailing partner,
Another I will never have like he.
The Family Man – so in love with Sarai,
his best friend; the love of his life.
And the proud papa of Amelia and Sophia.
His mother’s son, whose love shone like God’s light.
A Noble Man – never wanting to miss anything.
We are all so sorry he will miss so much to come.
But Jim left us all with a richer life.
He will be with us always – and then some.
But most of all – the beautiful lover.
We could see the love in the depth of his eyes
And savor it as it filled us
Like the vast eternity of a deep blue sky.
I wish I were more like Jim.
To live my life as I learned from him.
by brother John
Jimmy on a sailing trip in the Virgin Islands
A nice poem about your brother Jimmy. He sounded love me a great person that loved life. The memories of him will keep bringing you happiness.
I know what it is like to lose a brother, I lost one of mine when he was 52 to leomiosarcoma, a rare cancer.
I lost a good friend from the Marine Corps 2 years ago to glioblastoma cancer. 18 months after he retired, he fought it for almost 2 years.
I like your stories they bring back a lot of good memories growing up.
Alan Logeais
What great memory poem. He sounds like such a special person!! I can truly feel the loss as I had lost my Sister @35 yrs old along with her 5 yr old son. She was my everything, she would have turned 66 yrs old on 8/28/2022. Her name was Madge Zeis. Again thank you for sharing that with all of us.